Does The Law of Attraction Really Work?
Can what you are thinking today really determine your future?
I'm sure you have probably asked these questions before? Are you like me and were half interested in The Secret when it came out? But then forgot about it and kept plodding through life?
My Own Discovery
I myself have been a cynic of The Secret Law of Attraction for many, many years. I was half intrigued by the hype surrounding The Secret. But that's all I thought it was - just hype. But fast forward a few years later and I was finding myself in a constant struggle with financial and relationship issues. I couldn't comprehend why I was experiencing this pattern of negative circumstances in my life.
I took some time away and reflected on my situation. I noticed that I was funneling a lot of energy into negative thinking. I was always thinking about the next bill, the next fight with my partner - and guess what? Without fail there was another bill in the letterbox and another argument.
I realized that the only thing I was successful in doing was attracting more problems!
How Can Our Thoughts Determine Our Future?
So, I know this sounds to a lot of people like a whole lot of crazy woo woo! That's fine - hey, as I said I was a doubter too. But remember it's good to keep an open mind! Before I continue, I'll mention that actors Jim Carrey and Will Smith are total believers and attribute their success to The Law of Attraction.
So this all works on the idea that thoughts have a cause and effect - like gravity. Thoughts are energy and send out a message to the universe. This isn't easy for those of us who are programmed to be negative but there are steps to follow.
The Law of Attraction At Work All Around You
Do know someone who never appears to stress over cash and constantly has a positive outlook? You may have noticed that this individual appears to simply attract money. I have a friend like this. I additionally have a wonderful friend who is always finding the wrong sort of man!
Is The Law of Attraction Real?
Jim Carrey once wrote himself a check for $10 million dollars for 'services rendered.' Carrey kept this check with him for quite a long time until one day he actually received $10 million dollars for the movie Dumb and Dumber.
Do you think your thoughts can determine your future?
Kate Stratton is a firm believer that life is too short not to get what you want!
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