The Law of Attraction is universal - your thoughts become reality, whether you want it or not. Most successful people use the Law of Attraction to their advantage in all aspects of their lives. Here are a few simple steps with which the Law of Attraction can help you get the job of your dreams:
1. Know what you want
Before you take any other action towards getting the job of your dreams, you first need to have a clear vision of what your ideal job is. Think about what you enjoy doing, do research, ask your friends. It is crucial to know what you want in order to get it.
2. Focus
Once you make a choice for your dream job, keep it in your thoughts. Not obsessively, which would make the manifestation harder, but constantly keep reminding yourself of your goal. One of the easiest ways of using the law of attraction to attract your dream job is to put up a visual reminder; it could be a poster in your bedroom, a couple words on your whiteboard, your background image on your phone. It could be anything, as long as it is related to your goal.
3. Believe
The law of attraction is all about believing! You cannot achieve your goal if you doubt yourself. It is important to read affirmations daily about the job you want to get using the law of attraction. A few things to remember: your affirmations have to be in the present tense and do not use "NOT" in your affirmations because your subconscious tends to ignore it and, therefore, will attract the opposite of what you desire.
Here are some examples:
I love my job and the people I work with!
I am finding my dream job, I am on the right path!
An amazing job opportunity finds me today.
Great jobs are finding me.
Every action I take moves me towards my perfect career.
Every career move I make turns out to be even more positive than the last.
Employers are impressed by my talents and skills.
An exciting new career prospect is on its way to me.
I am finding my dream job, I am on the right path!
An amazing job opportunity finds me today.
Great jobs are finding me.
Every action I take moves me towards my perfect career.
Every career move I make turns out to be even more positive than the last.
Employers are impressed by my talents and skills.
An exciting new career prospect is on its way to me.
Another way of attracting your dream job using the law of attraction is through visualization. Visualization works by imagining yourself living through desired situation through first-person view. For example, if your dream is to work for Apple, imagine yourself driving through the Silicone Valley, on your way to the Apple Headquarters. Visualize yourself parking at the employee parking, greeting your co-workers and going to your office. Imagine yourself doing your dream job and keep repeating that image in your head over and over again. There are a lot more methods similar to affirmations and visualization, but these are the most simple ones that show powerful results. Remember, it takes about 30 days to reprogram your subconscious and trigger manifestation, therefore it is important to use at least one of these techniques daily and consistently. For the best results, read affirmations for at least 5 minutes every morning and visualize for at least 10 minutes every night before going to sleep.
4. Take action
Remember, you cannot simply rely on the law of attraction to do all the work for you. What the law of attraction will do is attract situations and opportunities into your life that will help you get your dream job, but it is your responsibility to recognize these opportunities and use them to reach your goal. Even if you receive an invitation to an event, for example, that seems completely unrelated to your job search, go anyway! You never know when or where the opportunity will arise. Try new things, step outside of your comfort zone.
5. Be committed
This is the last and the most important step to getting your dream job with the law of attraction. Sometimes people become discouraged after several weeks of not getting any results and give up. In most of these cases, the opportunity was just around the corner. Don't give up. Be consistent. Commit to your daily manifestation routine, whether it is affirmations or visualization. Lastly, do not forget that it takes 30 days on average to reprogram your subconscious, so keep going and get that dream job you want. Keep pushing and the law of attraction will respond.
Good luck.
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