Law of Attraction in Action: An Example of Shifting Negative Conversations

Have you been trying to use the Law of Attraction in your business and life but not quite getting it to work?
Do you get discouraged that those things you intend to have or have happen don't show up as quickly as you would like?
I've long believed in the power of positive thinking, but I only became a serious student of the Law of Attraction since mid-2014. Yes, I heard "The Secret" when it first came out, and now I am learning from the Masters, especially Esther and Jerry Hicks with Abraham, Neale Donald Walsch, Sanaya Roman, and Christy Whitman.
Still there are those days when it seems like I'm not manifesting everything I desire, and I start to question my abilities. My mind turns to the negative thinking I've been accustomed to my whole life, and I slip back to believing my internal disempowering conversations.
Does that sound familiar?
When you are learning to use the Law of Attraction, and it doesn't seem to be working, you may start doubting yourself, your abilities, and even your worth. You may feel you are not deserving, or blame others for your focus on negative areas. But there's no reason to give up faith or to give up on yourself or the Law of Attraction.
First of all, who wants to live with those negative, angry, blaming thoughts and the awful feelings that come with them? I for one am tired of living that way! I want to live happy! So I use the Law of Attraction to shift from my negative conversations to empowering conversations, and happier emotions.
Secondly, it's a given that any practice of Mastery takes time and devotion. Think master pianists, martial arts experts. It takes years to get to the level of mastery. The same can be true for those of us learning the Law of Attraction.
One morning shortly after the start of the new year 2015, it seemed like I had more bills than money to pay them. Suddenly I automatically started thinking: "This [Law of Attraction] isn't working! I'll never learn! Maybe I'm not doing it right!"
Then the entire avalanche of negative conversations I've told myself my whole life threatened to rain down upon me. Conversations like, "Nobody seems to want your services. You haven't run your own business before, what makes you think you can do it now? You're going to be in trouble if you don't make more money!" And on and on. I think you get my point, right?
Fortunately, I have learned that the most important thing in that moment is to find a thought that helps me feel better. For me, that means opening one of my Abraham-Hicks books and start reading. Here's what I found:
"You get what you think about. What we tell [people] is the most important thing for you to understand if you want to improve your financial situation: The subject of money is really two subjects: (1) money, plenty of money, the feeling of freedom and ease that plenty of money can provide; and (2) absence of money, not nearly enough money, the feeling of fear and disappointment that the thought of absence of money induces."
This is why it is so important never to give up your Law of Attraction disciplines and practices. We all go back to thinking of lack. It is so important to remember that everything that is happening on the "outside" - your external experiences and circumstances - is a reflection of what is going on on the "inside" - your internal state of being; your connection and alignment with soul.
Abraham-Hicks goes on to recommend making the following statements to yourself:
"I want to be the best that I can be. I want to do and have and live in a way that is in harmony with my idea of the greatest goodness. I want to harmonize physically here in this body with that which I believe to be the best, or the good way, of life."
And it helps me remember that the most important reason that I am here on earth is to fulfill on my soul's agenda - to be the best person I can be, and feel good about it. What I have and what I do are ALWAYS secondary. The most important focus is always "Who am I being?" It is not until I am reliably being in harmony with my greatest goodness, with the divinity within, and happy in the moment that I can have what I want. That will come. My job is to be happy now, no matter what.
Dorothy Suter is a Law of Attraction coach and marketing consultant for artists, experts, entrepreneurs, sole practitioners and small businesses. She writes on empowerment, abundance, marketing, motivation, and Law of Attraction in action. Visit her blog at

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