We are currently experiencing great changes. For some, there is a lightness of air as that unfolds, an ode to life awakening and becomes animated. The dark veils are gone. The inner light can illuminate well being and transmit its fluidity. One feels that things have changed, that something is happening. I feel this way. It is the loss of a completed past. Nothing will be like before. A further step in consciousness is crossed.Nothing is coming to an end but the renewal of life in everyone. Renewal
formulated by a more refined intuition, for increased sensitivity, by a
state of being calmer, with an opening to other even more, with a new
investment. Some cross large caps. The efforts are unsuccessful.
Obviously each advance at their own pace. For others, fears still go back. They are still well anchored and the memories of the past come back to be transmuted by the heart. It is a must that we are experiencing a shift towards the light ... Others are lost and do not know where to go. They do not know how to move forward. They still have external expectations ...
As I explain in consultation, external expectation is an illusion that does not fill. The great void that is in each one shall be filled with light. Everything
within us and only those who will drop the fleeting externality of
life, only those who go in search of their inner light will find rest. Those seeking their way out have not yet realized that they have everything in them. When they connect to their center and will feed on his energy, they will know where to go and what they do.
We can not work for others if domestic work is not on and raises awareness. Everything is lived within oneself, knowledge and techniques learned included. The being must integrate what they know to move forward on its path. Otherwise, the lessons remain the mental level and are not experienced in the heart. This practice belonged to the 3rd dimension. It now becomes obsolete. He asked us to open our heart and to enter it to live our experiences. Thus situated, we let go and cleanse. This path is "The Road" and it is endless ...Currently, it is important to stay centered and well anchored. We must not let us destabilize our mind or our emotional. The energies and jostle so situated, we can understand and work in us to let go more calmly negative. A lighter and healthy food also helps the body to relieve him as it has in the registration of negative memories. We must help to advance.
Those who have difficulty in being let go are confronted with their own mirror. They live in pain because they do not feel responsible for the experiences. They still leave everything to their egotistic patterns. The
reason of mental still prevails over reason of heart until the day they
will switch in understanding the game of life and its definition. It is difficult to reverse the beliefs and limitations so long entrenched in itself! But the game is worth the candle yet!
What prefer? The shadow or light? The destabilization or stability? Letting go or projection of the mind? The ego or the opening of the heart?
The human being has unfortunately too often the pain he suffered, he inflicts even unconsciously. Now it's time he gets to see beyond the mind. It
thus would remove blockages, would remove the blinders, remove negative
patterns and behavior, possessive and abusive relationships. He could live in relationship with its light in the inner fusion and finally at peace with himself. Another definition of life would prove so and give the body and mind more lightness.
Time speeds up and everything leads us to react with the influx of these energies. Imposed passages can be better "digested". Simply expand his outlook on life to experience the joy that resonates
inside of you, feed to raise its vibrations and let go of what has to
be.Every step brings us closer to our soul.