Critical Thinking: Can Spirituality Stop Someone From Being Able To Think Critically?

In today's world, it is not uncommon for people to see themselves as being spiritual, and there are a number of reasons for this. This partly comes down to how much information is available, and this is a largely thanks to the internet.
If one wants to find out about something, they will only need to go online and to do a search. And, what has also played a part is that people are often repelled by religion, and are looking for something else.
Different Stages
Still, this is not to say that everyone sees themselves as being spiritual at the same point in their life. For some, this could take place towards the end of their life, or it might occur in the middle.
But even if one didn't see themselves in this way when they were younger, it doesn't mean that they were not spiritual. What it could come down to is that they have always experienced life differently.
A New Outlook
So, through reading about something or having a conversation with someone, they came to see that this is how they have been for as long as they can remember. In this case, the only thing that will have changed is how they perceive themselves.
If something like this was to take place, it could have a big effect on their life, or they could simply carry on doing what they were doing. When it comes to the former, they could have the need to reach out to other people who have a similar way of experiencing life.
Reaching Out
Through being around people like this, it could end up enriching their experience. One will then be able to reach out to others who can relate to how they experience life.
This will fulfil their need to connect to other human beings, and it will take place without them having to cover this side up. Now, this is not to say that they will have exactly the same experience as these people or that they will agree with everything they say, but there will be an understanding.
The Same Path
When it comes to the latter, they could be surprised that there are other people who are having a similar experience to them. But regardless of what has taken place, they might not have the need to take things any further.
This could show that they are happy to keep this part of them to themselves, and that it doesn't bother them if someone is the same way. Yet, if they were to change their mind, it won't be difficult for them to connect to like-minded people.
The Options
If one did have the desire to create a deeper connection with this part of themselves and to meet other people, this can soon take place. One thing they could do is to buy a book, and this will give them the opportunity to learn about someone else's experience.
They could even learn about certain practises that will allow them to develop a stronger connection with themselves. If this is not enough, one could end up taking a course or going on a retreat, for instance.
Two Needs
If they were to read a book, it won't allow them to meet anyone, but it will offer guidance. There could be parts of a book that will stand out and other parts that won't, and this could change if they were to read it at a later date.
When it comes to the other option, one will have the chance to connect to people who are also on the path, so to speak. And, they will be able to talk to the people who are conducting the event.
The Foundations
If one was asked what it means to be spiritual, they could come up with a number of different things. What they could say is that is that it is about leading with their heart as opposed to their head.
They could also see themselves as being connected to all things, and not as being separate from anything. It is then going to be vital for them to treat their fellow human beings in the right way and to treat nature in the same way.
Another Thing
What they could also believe is that it is important for them to not judge others, and to allow them to live their life. If they were to do this, they could end up feeling as though they have done something wrong.
Through being this way, they will be showing empathy and compassion, and this can be seen as the right thing to do. The best way could then be for one to simply accept what other people do and to carry on with their life.
An Easy Target
If one was to be this way, they can have the tendency to put their mind to one side, and this part of them can be seen as being less evolved than their heart. One's ability to think critically can often end up be out of action and this can make it a lot easier to manipulate them.
One way of looking at it would be to say that while the mind makes judgement, the heart simply accepts what it sees. The heart will see the best in everyone and everything, and this can cause one to be incredibly naive.
Out of Balance
As if one believes that it is wrong to judge, there is going to be no reason for them to question anything or to pay attention to feedback that shows that something isn't right. They can end up believing that everyone has good intentions, and it could then be said that they will have an idealised version of reality.
Empathising with others and being concerned for their wellbeing can stop them from doing the right thing. For example, if one sees someone who needs help they could do what they can to help them, and this can stop them from taking a step back and thinking about what consequences may arise if they were to do so.
It could be said that both the head and the heart have a part to play; if they didn't, one wouldn't have them. If one ignores their head, because they think that this part of them is bad, they will set themselves up to experience unnecessary problems.
So, while spirituality can be a way for people to break away from the conditioning that they have, it can also be another way to enslave them. In this way, spirituality can be a way for the people behind the scenes, so to speak, to control humanity.
Prolific writer, author, and coach, Oliver JR Cooper, hails from England. His insightful commentary and analysis covers all aspects of human transformation, including love, partnership, self-love, and inner awareness. With over one thousand two hundred in-depth articles highlighting human psychology and behaviour, Oliver offers hope along with his sound advice. His current projects include 'A Dialogue With The Heart' and 'Communication Made Easy'.
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9 Ways To Increase The Serotonin In Your Brain

9 Ways To Increase The Serotonin In Your Brain
BY KATHERINE HURST 0 Pin it 0 +1 + Comment

As you may already know, serotonin is an important neurotransmitter that sends messages from one area of your brain to another.

Studies suggest it plays a role in a wide range of psychological and psychological functions, ranging from mood to sleep quality, learning ability, libido, appetite and even memory.

Most people are aware that serotonin can be linked to depression, but what you might not realize is that you can influence serotonin levels without taking anti-depressant drugs.

And while you may be better off taking such medication, it's exciting to know that you can boost production of this neurotransmitter in natural and powerful ways.

It will not only make you feel so much happier, but will help you attract better things into your life. Because, as we know, "like attracts like".

1. Enjoy The Light

When you're exposed to sunlight (and even just daylight on a cloudy or cold day), your brain starts to produce more serotonin in response. So, make a habit of going for a walk for 10-20 minutes each day. You may also find that this time gives you a great opportunity to reflect and plan for the day ahead.

2. Cut Back On Sugar

People with low serotonin often report intense cravings for sugar, which may be your body's way of signaling that you need more of this crucial neurotransmitter (because sugar produces insulin, which then provides some of the building blocks required for serotonin).

However, this isn't a good way to stabilize your body, as it increases your risk of illnesses like diabetes and heart disease, and sparking a crash in mood further down the line.

3. Get More B Vitamins

All B vitamins help to support good mental and physical health, but vitamins B6 and B12 are particularly famous for improving mood thanks to their ability to boost the amount of serotonin in your brain.

For example, one recently published study showed that older adults with depression typically improved after just a few weeks of supplementing their diets with B-vitamins. A daily dose of 50-100mg is recommended.

4. Actively Work On Positivity

It isn't just your treatment of your body that can increase serotonin levels in your brain-psychologists have discovered that deliberately establishing and maintaining a positive outlook leads to large gains in serotonin.

For example, keeping a gratitude journal, spending time with good friends and listening to soothing music can all help to regulate your neurotransmitters and assist in alleviating depression.

Some other ways of working on positivity include:

  • Getting rid of negative influences (including toxic people)
  • Using affirmations - both write them down and say them out loud)
  • Smile more
  • When you talk about your problems, focus on the solutions more than the problem itself
  • Listen more to happy songs instead of sad ones
  • Read positive books and watch funny films (as opposed to horror films and thrillers)

5. Add More Protein To Your Diet

The protein content of foods like eggs, cheese and lean meats can dramatically boost the levels of tryptophan in your blood, thereby leaving you with more serotonin. Remember to eat the yolks and not just the egg whites, however, as yolks are also rich in tryptophan and potentially cancer-fighting antioxidants.

6. Load Up On Nuts And Seeds

All nuts and seeds are a source of tryptophan, which is an amino acid needed to synthesize serotonin. This means you choose your favorites as a snack, and reap the associated benefits-not only for mood, but also for your heart, respiratory system and cell production. A handful of nuts also gives you a nice dose of fiber, keeping your digestive system in good working order.

7. Book A Massage

While everyone knows that a massage feels great on tired muscles, fewer are aware that this form of healing touch has a direct impact on serotonin levels. This benefit comes from the fact that massages reduce levels of cortisol, a stress hormone that blocks your brain from producing the right amount of serotonin. In fact, research suggests as much as a 31% reduction in cortisol, leading to a much better mood.

8. Get Plenty Of Exercise

As well as going for walks to elevate the amount of sun exposure you get per week, do your best to engage in regular cardiovascular exercise. The endorphins produced by a thorough workout immediately make you feel in better spirits, partly due to changes in serotonin levels.

Plus, people who exercise frequently appear to have stronger immune systems, so you'll be helping your body fight disease as well.

9. Meditate

Finally, it's worth noting that a regular meditation practice is a wonderful way to keep your serotonin at the right level. At this stage, there are dozens of credible studies proving the connection between meditation and psychological health, so you have multiple reasons to stick to this habit.

If you haven't tried transcendental meditation (TM), now might be a good time to start-it has a particularly potent stimulating influence on happiness, as it elevates levels of 5-HIAA (which are necessary for the production of serotonin). Like massage, meditation also cuts levels of cortisol and leaves you feeling much calmer.

0 Pin it 0 +1 + Comment Like What You've Read?   Share on Facebook   Share on Twitter Katherine Hurst Katherine Hurst is a normal woman who used to live a normal life until something happened and changed her life forever. She discovered the Law of Attraction and began a new, life-changing chapter in her life. She now runs the world's largest Law of Attraction community with well over 2 million people. Her mission is to share her own experiences of using the Law of Attraction to inspire change and happiness in the lives of all.

Passage to Light

We are currently experiencing great changes. For some, there is a lightness of air as that unfolds, an ode to life awakening and becomes animated. The dark veils are gone. The inner light can illuminate well being and transmit its fluidity. One feels that things have changed, that something is happening. I feel this way. It is the loss of a completed past. Nothing will be like before. A further step in consciousness is crossed.Nothing is coming to an end but the renewal of life in everyone. Renewal formulated by a more refined intuition, for increased sensitivity, by a state of being calmer, with an opening to other even more, with a new investment. Some cross large caps. The efforts are unsuccessful.

Obviously each advance at their own pace. For others, fears still go back. They are still well anchored and the memories of the past come back to be transmuted by the heart. It is a must that we are experiencing a shift towards the light ... Others are lost and do not know where to go. They do not know how to move forward. They still have external expectations ...
As I explain in consultation, external expectation is an illusion that does not fill. The great void that is in each one shall be filled with light. Everything within us and only those who will drop the fleeting externality of life, only those who go in search of their inner light will find rest. Those seeking their way out have not yet realized that they have everything in them. When they connect to their center and will feed on his energy, they will know where to go and what they do.
We can not work for others if domestic work is not on and raises awareness. Everything is lived within oneself, knowledge and techniques learned included. The being must integrate what they know to move forward on its path. Otherwise, the lessons remain the mental level and are not experienced in the heart. This practice belonged to the 3rd dimension. It now becomes obsolete. He asked us to open our heart and to enter it to live our experiences. Thus situated, we let go and cleanse. This path is "The Road" and it is endless ...Currently, it is important to stay centered and well anchored. We must not let us destabilize our mind or our emotional. The energies and jostle so situated, we can understand and work in us to let go more calmly negative. A lighter and healthy food also helps the body to relieve him as it has in the registration of negative memories. We must help to advance.
Those who have difficulty in being let go are confronted with their own mirror. They live in pain because they do not feel responsible for the experiences. They still leave everything to their egotistic patterns. The reason of mental still prevails over reason of heart until the day they will switch in understanding the game of life and its definition. It is difficult to reverse the beliefs and limitations so long entrenched in itself! But the game is worth the candle yet!
What prefer? The shadow or light? The destabilization or stability? Letting go or projection of the mind? The ego or the opening of the heart?
The human being has unfortunately too often the pain he suffered, he inflicts even unconsciously. Now it's time he gets to see beyond the mind. It thus would remove blockages, would remove the blinders, remove negative patterns and behavior, possessive and abusive relationships. He could live in relationship with its light in the inner fusion and finally at peace with himself. Another definition of life would prove so and give the body and mind more lightness.
Time speeds up and everything leads us to react with the influx of these energies. Imposed passages can be better "digested". Simply expand his outlook on life to experience the joy that resonates inside of you, feed to raise its vibrations and let go of what has to be.Every step brings us closer to our soul.

7 Tips For Attracting Abundance and Manifesting Your Dreams

Have you ever wondered why some people are richer and happier while others are always struggling and remain poor and unhappy?
The answer to this question is simple, it's the way people think. What you're today is based on your past thoughts and beliefs. Your past thoughts and attitude created your present and your present thoughts will create your future. This means you have the power to change your tomorrow and make your dreams come true. And it's easier than you think.
#1 Write a List Of Desires
What do you really want? What do you want to have?
If you have a desire, then there's something in it for you and there's a way to achieve it. So grab a pen and list down all the things you want in your life. For example, you can write 'I want to create a six figure business income', 'I want to have a successful relationship with the woman I love', 'I want the new iPhone' or 'I want to travel the world'. Just write them down, and don't hold back, let your imagination run wild. Once your list is complete, make a vow to read over it everyday.
#2 Visualize Your Desires
Create a mental picture of your dreams. Close your eyes and focus on all the beautiful details of your dream house, car, partner or job. As you visualize, feel the excitement of what you truly desire. Imagine yourself behind the wheel of that sports car, feel the wind in your hair, the hum of the engine, let the thrills wash through your body. When you send out strong positive vibrations in a happy state, you attract the things you desire.
#3 Create Positive Affirmations
Put your visualization into words by creating positive affirmations. For example, you can say I'm driving my new BMW to pick up my mum', I'm on a cruise vacation in the Bahamas', or I'm living in my new 5 bedroom house'. Avoid negative self-talk. Saying 'I'm no longer jobless' is negative but saying I'm working at a secure job' is positive. Apart from this, make the affirmations short as your subconscious mind can't understand long statements.
#4 Create a Dream Board
This is the visual representation of your dreams. A dream board helps trigger positive visualizations and serves as a reminder for you to focus on your dreams. To create the perfect dream board, get a cork board and some pins, then collect photos and anything that reminds you what you desire and pin it to your dream board. You can also write some positive affirmations on sticky notes and place them next to your photos, or any other visible place to remind yourself your dreams.
#5 Adopt The Attitude of Gratitude
Express gratitude everyday. Be grateful for a good nights sleep, for the beautiful weather, for the food you eat, the house you live in, your family, your friends, health and everything good in your life. Express gratitude by saying 'thank you'. Practice random acts of kindness every day and look for ways to express genuine praise to your friends, family and even the people who serve you at the supermarket. The more you practice gratitude, the more you attract the 'good stuff' in your life.
#6 Take One Step At a Time
When you have clear intentions and focus on your goals, there will be signs everywhere that your dreams are manifesting. Make sure you take some action to follow these signs. Be honest with yourself and evaluate your home, job, finances, relationships and health. Identify aspects of your life that are blocking your dreams from manifesting. Slowly, replace negative substances and habits with better choices.
#7 Get Support
Find like-minded people and get together. Such people will encourage you and get excited with you about the possibilities of manifesting miracles and creating beautiful things. Get a friend or a family member to help you track your success. Seek out a mentor, a person who inspires you and has achieved what you want. Listen to good music and read books that encourage you to go for your dreams. Avoid people with bad influence, you don't want such people to pull you down with their negative energy.
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True Freedom, Health, Bliss And Prosperity (Becoming Wealthy, Healthy And Happy Are Easy)

Having everything you want in life is easy. You just gotta know how to get what you want. Your mind is incredible. The brain has been compared to a computer in a sort of bio-computer analogy. The analogy has power--but it is an understatement. Science has discovered many of the hard wired connections that appear to give the brain/mind so much control over the body (health, wellness, longevity, youthfulness) and our destinies in terms of success, learning, wealth and prosperity. Let's first discuss a little how the mind works and then we'll get to the Good part. You READY.
There is no law of limitation except that which is self imposed. Most have literally been programmed, like a computer, with what computer people term GIGO (garbage in, garbage out). That is, most have been subjected to repeated messages teaching self doubt, fear, anxiety, etc. This programmed language of limitation has become your life script, your expectation and therefore most of your reality. It comes from our past programming-things we learned in childhood in three 3 primary ways: Verbal Conditioning - what we heard; Modeling - what we saw; and Specific Incidents - what we experienced. All of these experiences get stored in what is called your subconscious mind, which acts like a hard drive on your computer, which is the source of your belief system, the way you view yourself and the world. The secret to your success comes from within. The thoughts you think, the beliefs you hold have everything to do with your confidence, your self love your belief in yourself, your perception of the world, everything that you think you are, are based on thoughts (which really only exist inside of your head). These thoughts attract to you experiences that you expect. And it might seem that no matter how hard you try to succeed there's always something pulling you down, getting in the way, or holding you back from achieving your dreams.
This is because many self-sabotaging patterns reside in the subconscious and are completely unconscious, yet they undermine your best intentions. Rich and Successful people think differently than unsuccessful people. They think differently about money, wealth, themselves, other people and pretty well every other facet of life. That's why they're rich and successful. Their choices and decisions just naturally produce wealth.
Imagine being stress-free? Where you're no longer in the rat race because you already made it.
Imagine being healed of all your sickness-physical or mental? Where your aches and pain is a distant memory.
Imagine moving on to bigger and better things? That even when past memories are still there, the power that these past memories have will MELT away.
Now here's the cool part, as you envision in your head these wonderful things... Well, they are the starting point of a new reality!
The latest buzzword flung around these days is the Law of Attraction... Where simply put-where you focus your mind, is what it would attract. The potential is UNLIMITED.
If you visualize healing, you will be healed.
If you visualize success, you will be successful.
If you visualize freedom, you will be set free.
Unfortunately, the problem is that the seemingly simple act of controlling your thoughts is INFINITELY harder than it looks.
We will ourselves on the right track, and suddenly a voice from the past whispers "you can't do it" into your ear. Or it could be just an unloving spouse or rebellious children giving you a cold shoulder. Or it could be an overflowing in-tray waiting for you at the office...
And suddenly, we find ourselves back to square one.
You see, learning to control your mind is not a sheer question of will. If it were, millions of others would long be liberated.
You would have long being liberated.
You must be connected to a system which is able to teach you the secrets of controlling your mind, rising above the chains of mass consciousness and false limitations and seizing your inner potential.
With these programs you will overcome limiting, outmoded beliefs that have hindered your ability to create the life you've always wanted. Wealth, power and success are just the tip of the ice burg.
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How does the law of attraction works

The Law of Attraction is a characteristic law of the universe and it has been working in every ones lives from the day that the universe was made. It is similar to Gravity, regardless of the fact that you are mindful or not gravity lives up to expectations, same with the law of fascination. In spite of the fact that the name was advanced just as of late, the law was dynamic in your life from conception.

Thus, then why not draw in what you need in your life. What is the oversight you are making?

In the event that you simply take a gander at what the law of fascination says, you would have the answer immediately. What the Law of Attraction says is, "Similar to draws in Like" or What you concentrate on grows".

So did you perceive how it functions? Whatever you concentrate on extends. It can be sure or negative, the law of fascination does not think somewhat about what you center, it simply does the occupation and issue you a greater amount of what you are centering at a specific minute. So in the event that you are concentrating on not having cash to pay your charges, that is the thing that you will get. You get more circumstances where you don't have cash to pay bills. Just said, you get more bills and less cash. Since that is the thing that your primary center has been.

I think you may have got a slight thought on how the law of fascination functions throughout your life. The other thing is it reacts to your emotions and not to your sensible personality. It will specifically react to how you feel around a specific circumstance. In the event that you are feeling need and lack of not sufficiently having cash, the law of fascination gets your vibration of need and reacts with more need and shortage. That is the straightforward way, how the law of fascination work in your life.

The other motivation behind why the law of fascination does not work in your life is the past molding and constraining convictions you are holding about yourself, your abilities and different parts of your life. In the event that you accept that you are bad enough to draw in great things to your life, this will be a real hindrance in your endeavors to make the law of fascination work in your life. The greater part of these convictions are not cognizant to us and we will most likely be unable to comprehend why a specific behavioral example is rehashed in our life.

The best strategy to counter these convictions and past molding is to have a calm personality. Despite the fact that it is simple said than done, it is not outlandish. Having a calm personality has enormous profits which incorporates getting to your instinct effortlessly and carrying on with your existence no sweat. A calm personality won't have space for past molding and self constraining convictions in light of the fact that it lives right now and not in the past or future. A calm personality is the most suitable mental state to make the law of fascination work smoothly in your life and draw in everything you could ever hope for effortlessly.

Coping with Disappointment? Congratulate Yourself - 10 Ways to Put a Positive Spin on It

Putting a positive spin on coping with disappointment is easy when you use a few simple tricks.

Here are 10 easy-to-use techniques to keep in mind when dealing with disappointment:


Yes, that's right, congratulate yourself for having enough hope in the first place to have gotten disappointed. Many times people don't risk being hopeful because of the fear of disappointment. So, if you're experiencing disappointment, that can only mean that you had enough courage to be hopeful. Congratulations!


Next, ask yourself, "What life lesson have I learned from this particular experience?" This has an interesting effect on your perception and immediately sets your mind in a positive frame to look for answers (instead of sulking in disappointment.) This also allows you to take a proactive approach when life is "pushing you around." You can either let life push, or step aside and allow life to "fall on its face" because you know you've grown on an emotional level from coping with disappointment in this manner.


Stay within your own power by letting go of things outside of your control and by taking action on the things within your sphere of influence. Many times, we experience disappointment because we are looking to others for results. Ask yourself, "How can I make my desire happen?" Or, "Is this something that I really don't have control over and I'd be better off letting go of others' results?" By breaking the pattern of disappointment and asking questions, you are tapping into a unique power within your brain. In fact, positive psychology studies show that when our brains are kept positive, they are physically more capable of finding answers. Staying within your power and asking questions keeps your brain positive and active.


Dwelling on disappointments mentally and physically trains your brain to attract more disappointment vibrations. When coping with disappointment, it's significant to note that your thoughts multiple. So, if you are fixated on a disappointment, instead of harnessing the positive power of your brain to find answers, you're actually "sentencing" your brain to being imprisoned thinking about disappointment. Of greater significance is the fact that your brain is also putting out "addictive" chemicals that keep your body craving disappointment. Instead, notice when you're thinking about disappointment and interrupt this thought pattern by thinking of something else... Perhaps congratulating yourself!


When coping with disappointment, it is helpful to compare where the disappointment sits in the big "scheme of things." Is it a significant setback or just a "blip" in the overall big picture of life. Successful people know how to keep perspective and they do this by keeping their long-range goals in mind and chipping away until they attain results. Using this technique in your everyday life works wonders. In this regard, it is very helpful to have a personal development plan for reference and for staying focused on your "overall" goals and desires.
By: Suzanne Glover